viking metal
Albums scraped2021-11-28T21:05:17.239Z
Last updated2021-12-03T15:33:19.806Z
Released at
99Bathory - Blood Fire Death1988-10-08
5Bathory - Hammerheart1990-04-16
13Bathory - Twilight of the Gods1991-06-29
93Einherjer - Aurora Borealis1994-01
84Storm - Nordavind1995-02
11Bathory - Blood on Ice1996-05-27
52Einherjer - Dragons of the North1996-12-02
87Enslaved - Eld1997-03-21
74Windir - Sóknardalr1997-03-23
95Borknagar - The Olden Domain1997-08-18
88Einherjer - Far Far North1997-12-01
21Falkenbach - ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri...1998-01-21
65Amon Amarth - Once Sent From The Golden Hall1998-02-10
60Thyrfing - Thyrfing1998-03-04
64Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All1998-05-05
98Enslaved - Blodhemn1998-06-01
96Vintersorg - Hedniskhjärtad1998-07-06
92Mithotyn - King of the Distant Forest1998-10-06
49Vintersorg - Till Fjälls1998-12-08
39Thyrfing - Valdr Galga1999-03-15
72Mithotyn - Gathered Around the Oaken Table1999-04-26
73Amon Amarth - Avenger1999-09-02
20Windir - Arntor1999-10-11
70Vintersorg - Ödemarkens Son1999-11-16
69Thyrfing - Hednaland1999-11-23
26Thyrfing - Urkraft2000-08
66Einherjer - Norwegian Native Art2000-09-11
54Amon Amarth - The Crusher2001-02-28
24Moonsorrow - Suden Uni2001-02
2Ensiferum - Ensiferum2001-07-09
41Bathory - Destroyer of Worlds2001-10-23
18Windir - 11842001-11-19
6Moonsorrow - Voimasta ja Kunniasta2001-12-03
32Turisas - The Heart of Turisas2001
48Týr - How Far to Asgaard2002-01
30Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor2002-07-15
9Bathory - Nordland I2002-11-18
17Amon Amarth - Versus The World2002-11-18
7Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja2003-03-10
81Windir - Likferd2003-03-27
19Bathory - Nordland II2003-03-31
78Finntroll - Visor Om Slutet2003-04-07
80Enslaved - Below the Lights2003-05-05
76Equilibrium - Demo 20032003-06-27
75Månegarm - Dödsfärd2003-07-28
97Ásmegin - Hin Vordende Sod & Sø2003-08-25
25Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty2003-11-03
59Týr - Eric The Red2003-11-11
28Einherjer - Blot2003-11-21
3Ensiferum - Iron2004-04-15
91Finntroll - Trollhammaren2004-04-19
14Turisas - Battle Metal2004-07-23
15Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns2004-09-06
42Ensiferum - 1997-19992005-02-09
79Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr2005-02-14
8Ensiferum - Dragonheads2005-02-15
12Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet2005-02-23
67Månegarm - Vredens tid2005-09-28
61Thyrfing - Farsotstider2005-11-21
29Falkenbach - Heralding The Fireblade2005-11-25
86TrollfesT - Brakebein2006-06-01
27Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side2006-09-20
58Týr - Ragnarok2006-09-22
40Myrkgrav - Trollskau, Skrømt og Kølabrenning2006-10-27
16Ensiferum - One More Magic Potion2007-02-07
57Kromlek - Strange Rumours... distant Tremors2007-03-16
4Ensiferum - Victory Songs2007-04-27
46Turisas - To Holmgard And Beyond2007-05-11
38Månegarm - Vargstenen2007-05-25
23Turisas - The Varangian Way2007-05-28
90Finsterforst - Weltenkraft2007-07-06
10Turisas - Rasputin2007-09-24
33Moonsorrow - Tulimyrsky2008-04-30
36Týr - Land2008-05-28
77Equilibrium - Sagas2008-06-27
22Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God2008-09-17
71Thyrfing - Hels Vite2008-10-22
51Equilibrium - HiFive - Nuclear Blast Presents Youngsters2008
31Týr - By the Light of the Northern Star2009-05-29
100椎名林檎 - 三文ゴシップ2009-06-24
63Ensiferum - From Afar2009-09-09
55Månegarm - Nattväsen2009-11-19
82Ensiferum - Iron (2009 Edition)2009
35Justin Bieber - My Worlds Acoustic2010-11-26
45Falkenbach - Tiurida2011-01-28
44Rebecca Black - Friday2011-02-10
43Turisas - Stand Up and Fight2011-02-23
50Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising2011-03-29
53Zola Jesus - Conatus2011-09-26
37Chelsea Wolfe - Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic Songs2012-10-16
85Zara Larsson - Uncover2013-05-13
68Falkenbach - Asa2013-11-01
34Halsey - Room 932014-10-27
47Chelsea Wolfe - Carrion Flowers - Single2015-06-03
89Halsey - BADLANDS (Deluxe)2015-08-28
62Chelsea Wolfe - I Love You All the Time (Play It Forward Campaign)2016-01-22
56Zara Larsson - I Would Like2016-11-11
1Halsey - Now or Never2017-04-04
83Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers2017-09-22
94Zara Larsson - Ain't My Fault2018-10-18